Physical Therapy
We specialize in treatment of musculoskeletal issues, which includes everything from acute injuries to ongoing or recurring episodes of pain, stiffness, or any muscle, tendon, ligament, or joint problem.
We take a global and comprehensive approach to each condition, assessing the surrounding joints and soft tissues to determine deficiencies and impairments that may have contributed to the onset of the injury or condition. Through special tests, we can determine "WHAT" is causing the pain, but our comprehensive evaluation and ongoing assessment will determine "WHY" the pain started or the injury occurred.
Our treatment plan will be designed to resolve the problem, prevent it from coming back, and, most importantly, get you back to doing the things you love to do!
Some of the common conditions that we treat:
(Note: List does not include all diagnoses)
Muscle strains
Overuse Injuries
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
Labral tears
Knee pain and injuries
Plantarfasciitis and foot pain
Hip Impingement or labral tear
Neck pain or headaches
Gait/Running analysis
Post-partum reconditioning
Pre-operative and post-operative rehabilitation
Treatment Interventions may include:
Soft tissue mobilization
Myofascial release
Joint mobilization
Passive/Active Range of Motion
Neuromuscular Re-education Training
Core Stabilization
Sport Training
IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization)
Modalities (Electrical stimulation, ice, heat) as needed
Instruction in a Home Program
Education about your individual condition
Cervicothoracic SpineNeck Back Pain Treatment | Manual Therapy Experts | San Marcos, CA |
Foot PainManual Therapy Experts | Plantarfasciitis | Foot Pain Treatment | San Marcos, CA |
Patellofemoral painKnee Pain Treatment | Manual Therapy Experts | San Marcos, CA |
Hip and Knee mobilityHip Knee Pain Experts | Manual Therapy | San Marcos, CA |
Shoulder treatment |
Ankle Strengthening |
Scapular stability |
Hip Flexor Stretch |